
Add/Remove ISO images in EMC UIM/P 4.1

One of the new feature introduced in EMC UIM/P 4.1 is support for Linux installation.

The procedure described in HOW TO: Add new VMware vSphere ISO image to UIM/P article needs to be updated with the following: has been replaced with

uim001:/opt/ionix-uim/tools # ./
Usage: <path to iso image> [-force]
optional, -force if this OS already exists, it will be re-loaded

The procedure is the same for the UIM/P running in OS_Install_Agent mode.


uim001:/opt/ionix-uim/tools # ./ /tmp/ESXi-5.5.0-1746974-standard-vce-4.5.3.iso
Processing OS: esxi-5.5.0-1746974-cust-x86_64
OS was loaded successfully.

To verify new ISO image has been added, open UIM/P management interface, navigate to Asset Discovery, OS Install Agents, highlight UIM and click Enable Connection. New image should appear in the list of available Operating Systems.


You can also remove ISO image from UIM/P:

uim001:/opt/ionix-uim/tools # ./
Existing packages found:
  1. esxi-5.0.0.u2-914586-cust-x86_64
  2. esxi-5.1.0-1157734-cust-x86_64
  3. esxi-5.5.0-1746974-cust-x86_64
Type OS number or 0 to exit: 0

Hope this will help.

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